Monday, July 27, 2009

Almost there . . .

Kev begins the 1st day of the bar at 8:15 in the morning tomorrow. Everybody wish him and the rest of the future lawyers luck! Today he's studying, and I've started packing (3 boxes and one crate of books and still two whole sets of bookshelves to go) - going a bit faster than I thought it would, I'm going to have to slow down if I want to have something to do while everyone is test taking. I will say, even though this early retirement thing is great, we're both looking forward to Brent getting in tonight because it means everyone is that much closer to being done with the test and then we can all enjoy ourselves on Thursday afternoon - not to mention that we missed him at the Fox all Summer!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Sailing San Diego Bay on Saturday with my parents and Raleigh the dog

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

4th of July at the Point Loma House

As I'm sure most people who have talked to me in the past few months know, we have been working on fixing up the vacation home in Point Loma for about 9 months or so. We've all been excited to get it done and set July 4th as our hopeful end date so that we would have a place to hold an awesome party. Thanks to some last minute work, the house got finished along with most of the landscaping. It was still a little empty as far as furniture and supplies, but it got the job done.


Turned into this:

And this:

Turned into this:

Needless to say, we were quite excited to enjoy the upgrades and share it with some friends.

Some late-afternoon boredom let to a quick Target run so that we could pick up some entertainment designed for ages 4-15: Cornhole, Jr. The "Jr." just meant it was made out of PVC pipe and vinyl and was significantly cheaper.
Cornhole Jr. provided us with endless entertainment for nearly a full hour. Even the parents got into it.

We all got the chance to hang out on the deck and enjoy the view.

As it started getting dark we fired up the grill and got the burgers and hot dogs going.

Finally it was time for fireworks. San Diego sets up for barges in the harbor and syncs the music up to a mishmash of every single song that references the US in a patriotic matter.