Thursday, August 20, 2009

Boston Mass

Our last stop in the states was in Boston. It was an interesting place to be because while we both went to college there, we had never been there together. It was cool to see how different our perceptions of the city were (more specifically, that I had never lived in Boston. I was however much more knowledgeable about the finer points of the Allston/Brighton area).

We arrived on Saturday night and went to Boston Beer Works for dinner and then to some Fenway bars (see the map for more). The following morning we woke up and went to Moogy's so I could have an excuse to eat a cheese steak with onion rings for breakfast (Boston was not the healthiest eating place for us).

After breakfast on Sunday we took a walk down Newbury Sreet to the public gardens where we got a very official swan boat picture.
It should also be noted that it was about 85 degrees with 90% humidity. We had to fake it to smile there. If you zoom in you can see sweat.

On Monday we took a trip to the Sam Adams Brewery in Jamaica Plain. Our friend Cait recently started giving tours there. She did a great job even though we were trying to make her laugh.
The tour included free tastings of 3 different Sam Adams beers and you got to keep the glasses
Ali looks so dubious here because it is not yet noon on a Monday and we are drinking. again.

Oh well. After a thorough lesson on how to taste beer, we got down to it and sampled the Boston Lager, Sam Summer, and the Boston draught exclusive, Brick Red, a delicious Irish Red style ale only available on tap in Boston bars.
It was a great tour/tasting. I even agreed to make the $2 donation.

For the rest of the trip we tried to see as much as possible while finding ways to beat the heat. This meant "seeing things" such as air-conditioned bars and malls. Ali did get her honey mustard from Crossroads though.

On Tuesday evening we left Boston for Dublin and a 5:15 a.m. arrival. More to come from there.

1 comment:

  1. Funny - love the photos and comments.\\daddy G
